White, Yellow and .....
...... a bit of Green.
I bought these Chrysanthemums on Tuesday , the poor thing were so dry , no water on the stems at all. Long drink and they survived.
I've had a very busy day, cleaned the whole bungalow . Really needed attention as I'd only pushed the vac round for days! Then when "A" came and after lunch we started on the hedge ( at least what "A" can reach I won't let him get up steps) . I swept and bagged up what I could but failed to complete the job! " A" finished it and then cut a path way to make it safe for me. What would I do without him?
C , daughter from ( up north) just phoned , I think she's enjoying her new career path, but it's going to be hard work.
Will need to get our meal ready now , fish and chips and apple crumble for afters.
Hope the day has gone well for everyone.
Thoughtful ...... about feeling so tired after doing half a job, things I could have done in no time a few months ago!
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