Place: St Pete Beach, FL 76/86
Main activity: Thurs - Vina dogs, stir-fry
Notes: Slept late after being awake early morning - strange dreams. Headed to see the 4 dogs and Moira a little after 9a. Ended up taking Barney for a walk and then the other 3. Felt like I was there quite awhile. Early afternoon went for a bath (overcast and feeling like a relaxing epsom soak ...) - wouldn't you know, as soon as I got in and started some meditation music, loud drilling or something from outside started. Was not very peaceful and didn't stay in very long. Talked to Joe (of the Vina place but he's still in New England working) about his biz and if he may need any help - was interesting and both of them I really like. Big batch of tofu stir fry for dinner. Some nice downpours finally in the evening.

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