Arran coastal path

We felt quite weary this morning after yesterday’s exertions and as it was raining we felt justified in relaxing with our books (Winter by Ali Smith for me), and listening to the radio etc.

We are on a small CL site which is allowed to have 5 vans but we are the only one so chose the pitch with the view - when the cloud briefly lifts we can see Goatfell and the other mountains, as well as Lamlash and Whiting Bay. We are directly opposite Holy Island.

There was a path leading downhill from the site, which we found to be the coastal path. There was a boardwalk through dense vegetation then a clarty path coming out at the shore. I don’t think it could be used at high tide.

Daughter is feeling better at last, though very tired and s-i-l thinks he might be able to go back to work on Monday. She is trying to do a bit more each day, without getting totally exhausted, but it seems to be a fine line as to what can be managed.

Thank you for your kind words about yesterday’s efforts!

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