
By SuffolkBumble

A tribute to the dogs

More snow. I still like it. It is wet, cold and pretty. I don't understand why people have an issue with it. We even had to cancel our first Rounders meet up of the year as people didn't want to play in it. However I did go for a run in the snow and I enjoyed it. Yeah, it was cold. Yeah, it was wet. And yeah, it was pretty. All positive aspects of running in the snow.

When out I saw runners, cyclists, rowers and walkers who had all decided to venture out and embrace the weather. I also saw people walking their dogs.

The dogs, I guess, didn't specifically ask to go for a walk. In fact, dogs are generally quite confused by snow. The ground is colder than they remember and it sticks to them a bit. They may want to go out in it for a bit but they can not state whether they would like to go out longer. But they do. Because dogs are awesome. And snow is awesome. Together they are double the amounts of awesome.

Well done dogs everywhere for going outside even when you don't want to, just because your owners do.

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