
By SuffolkBumble

The unusual friendship of Snowman and Bunny

This is the story of how a Snowman and a Bunny became friends...

Snowman was scared. The day had started so well, he had burst into conscientiousness with light crashing before his stones and playful giggles in the air. His Creator looked down on him joyously; she had created perfection and could not have been happier.

But then she left and Snowman could only watch the world go by. He watched others of the Creators kind playing in what looked like a horrifying game where they throw clumps of a substance suspiciously like his own body at each other until one cried and larger Creators carried them off. Before he knew it the light from the world had disappeared and he was cold and alone.

In a slightly shocking development, Snowman suddenly realised he could move. Do not ask how. He so wanted to move but could see no way pf penetrating the areas of no light into the areas of light. Then he heard a bell.

'Hello, is anyone there?' Snowman called before he could understand how he was talking or what the words actually meant. They just sounded right.
'Erm...hello?' came a reply from close by.
'Hi, wait, please wait. I am a Snowman and I only just came into existence and don't know how long I have left! Please come and help me see the lights!'
The bell tinkled closer and then, right before the Snowman, appeared a Bunny.
'Hi' Bunny said, 'I'm Bunny. I know how you feel. I am made of chocolate and the humans will eat me next Sunday.'
'The humans do what?!?' Snowman exclaimed, before adding, 'What are humans.'
'Did you see the thing that created you?' Bunny asked.
Snowman tried to nod.
'That is a human. They eat chocolate rabbits, chicks and eggs to celebrate Spring.'
'What's Spr...'
'Look you can ask questions all you want, but you do not have time. Let's go have some fun!'

Bunny led Snowman through the grass and too him to town. They were small enough to sneak into the bars to witness humans drinking, they watched a band play music, they went into a library and read all they could and snuck into a toy shop to enjoy all they could enjoy. Bunny even gave Snowman a scarf to remember the night by. The next day they found themselves frozen on the picnic table that they had enjoyed a late night kebab on. The Sun disappeared behind them and they realised that Snowman had yet to melt. That meant they had one more night together.

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