The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Unfettered Joy

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

We flew back today - the end of a very happy holiday.

We were checking the departure boards in the airport and a middle-aged man was a bit confused, “it’s in Spanish,” he complained (in string Bolton accent) before turning to his wife who was studying it and asking loudly, “Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?”

Luckily (for him) that crisis was averted as the board alternates between Spanish and English, although I would have thought he’d have known if his good lady was fluent in Spanish before that moment!

Nothing beats a dog’s welcome. Murphy was beside himself with joy to see us home. He was doing slightly mad bunny hops as he kept starting to jump up but then remembered he isn’t allowed!

The Youngest Mini Princess was also pleased to see us. Parents are much less annoying when they haven’t been around for 4 days!

We all curled up* and had pizza night. Holidays are great but coming home is awesome.


*Murphy hasn’t stolen your spot on the sofa yet EMP. He still lies across YMP and me as The Prince has a whole sofa to himself!

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