The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Busy Bee

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The start of my day was VERY STRESSFUL. On our walk today, Murphy wandered off. FOR AN HOUR AND 10 MINUTES which was the longest 70 minutes of my life. I think he disappeared where the deer often hang out. The Prince (who had driven up to help look for him) found him, slightly panicked but none worse for his solo adventure. It took me significantly longer to feel calm again.

Mary Doll Victor and I went through to Glasgow. They hadn’t seen the finished flat so it was lovely for them to see it. We went for lunch in an cafe near the flat. My parents make me laugh - as soon as the food/drink is finished, lunch is done. No such thing as having chitchat!

I met up with Smashley tonight as he’s up for the week. We went to The Hanging Bat for food - or The Banging Hat as I like to call it. It’s a much better name! It was a great night, as always. He loves living in the Lake District. It’s good to see him so happy.


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