Place: St Pete Beach, FL 76/87
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the house
Notes: Woke at 635a and felt like it was the middle of the night and just wanted to go back to bed. Still pitch dark but got up and moving. Headed out on bike w/ a little light in the sky. Didn't really feel like going but pushed thru ... over the big bridge back into the Pass-A-Grille area (do so love that tiny little piece with water all around! Got so many great pics from different areas tho this gray heron perched at the roof peak between 2 palm trees was a fave (bay was directly behind me)! Bit of headache started mid morning and continued thru the day. Tried for a little nap, watched some football. As often, headache strengthened more evening and as I tried to go to bed. Was awake much later than usual.

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