Place: St Pete Beach, FL 73/85
Main activity: Mon - errands, Lauren
Notes: Did not sleep well. Headache intensified as I went to bed and couldn't fall asleep till almost midnight. Awake a little after 3a and then up just after 6a. Bright and sunny first thing and decided to do USPS (mail Mom's bday box) and UPS Store errands first thing as they both open 830a. Got there 845a and 855a respectively and not a soul in either one - quiet, quick and easy! By late morning the clouds had rolled in. Lauren call at 10a - was supp to be last one but had an email first thing and she's giving me one extra (says we're not done yet). A fantastic session and really unveiled some huge things. Tried another batch of tortillas - still didn't turn out very well but taste decent. 

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