Sullom Sunday Teas

A windy day, dull and misty at times.  Heavy rain in the afternoon.  Stopped raining this evening, winds fell, and even a bit of sunshine. 

Up early, and headed out walkies after breakfast.  Mam came by in the afternoon, we picked up friend Julie, and headed to Sullom for a run.  Mam stayed of for tea tonight.  More walkies, but mostly a lazy evening by the fire. 

Not the best afternoon to do any outdoor activities, so what do you do on a rainy Sunday afternoon in Shetland?  You look at the local paper, and head to the Sunday Teas.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions, they are still limited, and presented in boxes.  A great selection of savoury and sweets, along with a cuppa.  The homebakes we super tasty, and the busy hall really said it all.  Peerie Brian, me, Julie and mam, inside the Sullom hall, Sullom.  

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