September 6am

A beautiful sunny morning, and into the afternoon.   It had been calm, but winds have picked up, bringing rain late on. 

An early start in the airport today.  The first flight was busy, but a quieter day followed.  I was meeting and boarding planes am, and on the check-in desk pm.  Met friend Julie for walkies in Lerwick this evening, and some grocery shopping.  Early night, so not much telly time today.

I woke at 5am, and it was pitch black outside.  The skies were clear, and plenty of stars to gaze at.  Left the house at 5.50am, by then it was slowly starting to brighten, and then this orange glow followed me down the road most of the way.  Compared to the bright summer mornings when I started the job, it's now just going to get darker for the next while.  Looking over Fladdabister, and towards Bressay on the left.  

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