Cumulus Clouds over Annadel

I spend quite a lot of time at the kitchen sink or on the living room couch, both of which places afford a nice and ever changing view. According to my cloud guru, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, 
If you've never spotted a Cumulus cloud, then you ought to get out more.... Cumulus clouds are the cotton wool puffs, with flat bases that drift lazily across the sky on a sunny day.
This is a Cumulus Humilis: wider than it is tall. Later in the day they began to dissipate forming the ragged edges of Cumulus Fractus, before floating away altogether.

I doubt if we got enough rain to cause any change in the forecasted red flag warning beginning tonight, but it was enough to wash away the accumulation of dust and produce a sparkling sunny day today. All the grasses in front of the house were wearing garments of water droplets, and Spike, who sticks his nose into everything was completely wet by the time we finished our walk. Blake tends to be far more sedate and well behaved and only left a trail of muddy footprints across the floor upon our return.

Dan came by and he and John peered at the carboy containing a rather vile colored brew with what appears to be mold floating on top of it still living in our bathroom. I was assured that it was doing just as it should, it is not mold but fermented hops floating to the top, and a little package of something was added. Maybe more hops? Or malt? I don't know but I enjoyed the conversation about how it is impossible to make the same brew twice in a row unless you have expensive equipment that calibrates everything automatically. Where's the fun in that?

Not in my bathroom.....I think Tobi has already banned the process from their kitchen 'because I made such a mess'. So far the process has been quite neat but it is the next step, the bottling, which is fraught with the possibilities of failure due to alien yeast or exploding bottles. I can't wait.

The Battle of the Bed continues...John and I usually lose....

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