Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Woodland walk

I enjoyed my walk with Xena in the woods today, everything is still looking very green although today felt a bit fresher than it has been. Some parts of the woods all the bushes were covered in spiders' webs, I have never seen so many all together before. I love the trees in this part of the woods as per this image.

Mondays are usually a bit bust as I go grocery shopping plus I end up doing all sorts of other errands, I am still trying to edit my photos from my Cornwall trip last week, I have finally finished although I edit very quickly and 'lightly', and if I want to use some images for club competitions I will re-edit them as I need them. I still have to edit the photos from our trip to Goodwood yesterday, I have done some of them but not all. 

I also spent some time today, many phone calls and emails, trying to track down the parcel I posted to my niece in SA, which now appears to be lost. It is very upsetting as I really thought that using UPS would ensure it would get there. As I booked UPS through an agent (Parcelcompare) I am being sent from UPS to Parcelcompare and not getting much joy out of either of them. I am annoyed that it is lost but am hoping that by some miracle they find it and it is returned to me as it was worth quite a bit.

I have camera club again tonight, I am rather pleased we have decided to continue using zoom calls this quarter for our weekly meetings as I feel things are so busy at the moment I am relieved not to have to go out to the meetings. I think during lockdown I got used to not rushing around and now that things are so busy again, I find all the rushing around a bit tiring. It's another busy week this week as I am going to the Chelsea Flower Show (postponed from May due to Covid) and I have another outing on Thursday. 

Inca has been studying hard but she writes her exam tomorrow and will be relieved when it is all over. Tommy also finishes up with his internship tomorrow so they are able to relax and have a break before university starts in October again.

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