Tired - You Bet

I started off with a quick spin round the block with Paddy before heading off, on foot, to the rugby club and the Thursday Gang.
Four of us then spent five hours cutting, strimming and pruning the hedge along the 200 metre length of the road side of Tregenver Road rugby pitch. It wasn’t the cutting it was the cleaning, sweeping and bagging of the cuttings. I say four but in reality it was three, I guess the habits of a ‘working’ lifetime are difficult to shake off for an ex Cormac guy. We could have gone quicker I guess but we were careful not to cut too far back and deprive the local wildlife of its habitat.
Bloody brambles.
By early evening as I was leaving home for my gig rowing session my Fitbit was vibrating like a thing demented.
Ninety minutes rowing, home for a shower and dinner before falling asleep reading my book.

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