
3years 154 days

Katie slept AGAIN for 13+ hours last night. The poorly has been taking some getting over. I admit we are loving the cuddles together through the night that she's wanted while she's been ill. We had about an hour when she woke up snuggled and watching a few cartoons.

We went to church with the Cousins. A really happy time. She spent 15 minutes beforehand running round and round with her little friend. It was a family service for Palm Sunday which Katie loved. It was a very interactive service - they had the children doing the Palm Sunday entrance to Jerusalem, they had their own last supper (Katie troughed a banana in split seconds, pausing only to "feed it" to Monkey), they had chocolate coins to symbolise the coins Judas was given to betray Jesus and they went for a craft session during the talk. Apparently she was very shy when they first went out before chatting non stop. After the service she went off with the bigger kids to play hide and seek .

We went home after Church and just had a lovely time playing. She took herself off to her room for a while and I could hear her chatting to her little friends. She came down after a bit and played at her kitchen. Lots of colouring in, lots of snuggles. Huge load of eating. After tea we snuggled and watched Snow White. She asked me to wrap her up - she handed me a blanket and wanted to be properly swaddled. She laid curled up in my lap as we watched the film, then we watched Rapunzel too. Or part of it. She didnt make it very long through before she was asleep.

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