Time Capsule

By sochariot

bitchin' about my kitchen

Living with a caterer has its pluses (see photo - pimento!) and its minuses.. namely, weekly kitchen armageddon! Once a week the kitchen is a no-go, everything ends up reeking of fried food (just the oil, actually - not the food) and our three benches, two sinks and most of the floor are covered in debris. Bomb site.

Only pretend moaning really - I love my housemates so I don't mind at all. And I get to nibble on tasty bits, being the in-house food taster. They cook mainly Spanish/Arabic dishes - not my favourite cuisine but I'm enjoying learning about the culinary culture & history.

Qual è la mia cucina preferita? Italians do it better. Actually, Italians do it best. Certo.

Il clima è ancora merda. :(

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