Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

London again

We walked twenty thousand steps today but then we did have a large food footprint to offset. Lunch in Tofu Vegan in Islington was followed some hours later by dinner in Mildred’s in King’s Cross; in between we had a pleasant hour in a bar in Coal Drops Yard drinking beer, wine and vodka .

TGR’s vegan food tour of Britain continues. October will need to be a sober and nutritionally sensible month if we are to recover lost ground.

London never ceases to surprise and today was no exception. The blip is of a graceful roller skater who was expressing herself on wheels and letting her hair down as the sun set  over King’s Cross. This was an area that was famed in my youth for cheap hotels and prostitutes but is now clean and buzzing (although a tad overpriced). Graceful Georgian  and Victorian architecture coexists with modern steel and concrete. The September sunlight finds many soft surfaces to land on.

I also bought vegan shoes, fairy lights and harissa rose tahini today. I don’t care if that sounds like a parody. It was a lovely day.

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