
By Hambo

(K)need it!

the bread bin in the freezer is almost empty so it's time to get baking.
this is the first stage in making sour dough bread - it'll take 24 hrs as i already have the starting ferment (which took 5 days to get going as it uses natural yeasts that exists in the flour)
my bread guru is richard bertinet who bakes using the french method - this uses a much wetter dough than that used in the uk, and the gluttens are created by stretching and flicking over the bread (seen in the photo) - a good workout!
2 yrs ago, in southern brittany, i had the rare honour of being challenged to a bake off with a frenchman, using his wood burning oven.
a fantastic experience but he was SO conservative! he would only ever eat white bread calling the walnut bread that i had baked, good to eat, but that he wouldn't dream of making it!
collected my repaired camera - photos won't improve but it's good to be reunited with it!

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