Fit for a queen

My friend Andy is putting together a poetry anthology about the various sites and people of Perthshire and I volunteered to write about the Queen's View near Killiecrankie, mainly because it was where I told Mr M that I was expecting our first baby, all those years ago. Don't think I've been back since so thought I better pay it a visit in the hope of some inspiration ( needless to say, none was forthcoming). Legend has it that when Queen Victoria visited the place and stopped for tea, she assumed it was named after her although it was actually named for Queen Isabella.
There is a cafe and visitor centre and viewpoint along the loch but to be honest it is far from being among the best views in Scotland, in my opinion.
After this I went for a walk at Killiecrankie ( impossible to say without ending it with an o - there is a well known song about the battle there where they sing of Killicrankie- oh.) Lots of fabulous fungi, some I'd never seen before including a deathcap, and good to watch the brave/foolish people bungee jumping from the bridge.

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