Brunch Instead Of Breakfast

Another early start, today was the monthly Veterans Breakfast this time at Windjammer in Falmouth. Still feeling the effects of last night I felt my age as I walked down to meet the others.
I opted for the ‘American’ style brunch intending to make it my main, and only, cooked meal of the day. Two hours of great company with like minded people, good food and the opportunity to relax, (I always have my phone on airplane mode) passed quite quickly.

A walk through town to King Charles The Martyr Church where, with my mobile still silenced, I enjoyed an hours music during the hours free concerts that take place on Saturdays.
Today it was;
Flute Concerto No1 in G Major (Mozart)
Etude Op. 25 No9 (Chopin)
Prelude Op 28 No17 (Chopin)
Sonata For Flute & Piano (Lennox Berkeley)
Very relaxing and hugely enjoyable.

Home to drop the shopping off before walking to a friends house for a meeting to discuss the up and coming Trafalgar Night Dinner. I’m not a fan of meetings, yes you need consensus but there are a dozen other ways I could have spent Saturday afternoon.

By the time I got home it was early evening, news filtered through of the Falmouth Eagles enduring another drubbing 49-14 away at Bideford. Some recorded rugby watched in the evening and just a ham sandwich after the mornings huge brunch.

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