Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Sunny start

On the week. Warmer too, had my sneakers on to work and that was heaven!! :)
My workday: help a young woman with Swedish words and some words were kind of tricky to explain. Like 'wheat dough', 'almond paste' and 'have a craving'. Well, I haven't done this for so long so I guess I'll get better at it as time goes by. :) I also spoke some words of French and spent some time speaking English with an american woman who's husband was involved in a research project at the university. She spent time helping people with English at the Red cross.
On my way to the bus I knew I would be to tired to get out and blip something later, so this is on one of the bridges crossing over the Fyris river. :)
Tomorrow is sewing day, that I know how to do! :)

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