
A very productive Monday. Beds stripped, toy boxes sorted ( managed to give stuff to a neighbour ) . Wildlings probably won't notice. Rooms cleaned and upstairs hoovered. Some ironing done . Mr R's soup made for the next couple of nights. And I cleaned the playroom. And then the Wildlings undo everything. I also cycled to pick harp up from nursery. It was good to get out. 
Carson has been a wee gem today. Although he has climbed on most things. 

I gave the Wildlings a early dinner as they need to get thrown in the bath again. They were told this morning that it was lasagne for dinner. Three of them were amazing and ate nearly all of it. One of them was so dramatic and hard done by that he got lasagne. He ate one forkful and then the tears started. I always tell them they don't need to finish dinner but they need to eat most. ( See extra for fantastic acting ). Well that wildling isn't getting any birthday cake. He can sit and sulk while the others get cake. That was the deal if they ate . 

Fingers crossed they all sleep better tonight. Three were awake at different times throughout the night. #tired

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