
Last night, while I was fast asleep, it rained and rained and rained and rained. That didn't bother me. I woke up in excited mode because Monday is my day for going to agility classess. Yay! Ann had already prepared my sausages (which are my very yummy treats that she uses to lure me into doing what she wants. Not that I need treats because I love agility so much that I'm brilliant without treats.) But then guess what happened?............................. Ann got a message saying agility was cancelled because the field was far too wet and slippy and it wouldn't be safe for us. Booooohoooo. I was so disappointed.

Also, our weather app which you all know lies was showing rain until 4pm. But it wasn't raining so Ann said she'd take me out before Kay (our friend who is staying with us) got up. We walked along the beach and around the town for more than an hour and there wasn't a raindrop in sight. It was like a summers day.

After breakfast Ann told Kay that she was lazy (lol!) because Kay likes to lie on the sofa and play games on her phone. She said she wasn't going to allow her to do that on her hols and we had to take me for a walk at Hayle as the sun was still shinning.

We had a lovely walk at Hayle. We walked for about 3 miles over the dunes and along the beach and then stopped off at 'Lulu's' so that Kay could have a cocktail (Ann just had a diet coke she was driving!)

And just look what I found........................ another manky old tennis ball. I am so, so good at finding manky old balls. Ann said I could take it home but do you know what happened?.................... I carried it all the way to 'Lulu's' and then lay down in good dog mode, with the ball next to me. Unfortunately when we left 'Lulu's' I forgot to pick it up again. Kay noticed I hadn't got it and told Ann, but do you know what Ann said to Kay?.................... She said, 'Don't tell Trixie. It's a manky old ball and I don't really want it in the house.' Can you believe that my human actually said that? Especially when she'd already told me I could take it home.

Anyway I'm just having a little snooze because we're all going to a pizza party soon. Ann's given me my dinner but I've not eaten it because I'm saving myself for some pizza. 


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