'Ellens Glen' & a little bit of ranting!!!

Don't you just love it when you find a new place to walk? With the amount of walking we've been doing during the last few months we thought we'd covered the whole of Edinburgh. But oh no we haven't! Walked for almost 10 miles today and what a lovely sunny day it was for a walk. And in the middle of our walk we ended up walking alongside this burn in Ellens Glen. What a fabulous place for a little collie pup to have a play. We also walked through two parks that I'd never been in before. St Katherines Park & Liberton Park.

…............And then for my last bit of 'off lead' play we walked through the Hermitage. I went zooming into the woods because I'd spotted a squirrel that needed chasing. When I came back to Ann I was VERY, VERY, muddy. (See extras). I immediately got put back on my lead because it was very busy in the Hermitage and Ann was worried that I would do some of my silly 'jumping up' at people. I only got let off my lead for 5 mins so that I could have a wallow in the burn to get clean. And then it was back on my lead for the 20 min walk home.

When we got home I had snooze time and Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet'.

After moaning that she'd had a few appointments cancelled (and assuming it was because people from different households cannot now meet in a house together) today's visitors were a family who were due to stay with their parents, but because of the new rules can't, so had booked somewhere separate. Having said that, they'd already dropped their child off at their parents house (because apparently under 12 year olds aren't included in the rules). Ann is trying her hardest not to rant. …...........But she just can't help it! Presumably child goes to school so is probably more likely than his parents of testing positive and yet it's perfectly OK for him to go into his grandparents house, whereas if the parents want to see their parents they have to meet in a pub/restaurant???? #theworldhasgonemad

Oh and the other thing....................... how Nicola Sturgeon can say that it's not the students who are causing the problem we don't know? Ann read an article this morning that said that the most recent cases of people testing positive for Covid were in the 15-19 year old age bracket. 43% to be precise but she can't find the article now so can't put in a link. And everything that is popping up on her social media news feed is about all the parties students are having at Pollock Halls of Residence and how the police are being called to break them up. And how security guards are patrolling the corridors and not letting people in or out. According to the 'rules' students are deemed to have formed a new household and are now not allowed to go home to mummy & daddy or go out to the pub etc, etc. And with universities attempting to deliver all their learning on line, it's no wonder a load of them are just giving up and going home. Why on earth would any of them want to go to the expense of going to Uni when they can go home to mummy & daddy (and most probably live rent free), get a job in the local supermarket and save masses of money ready for when the world is Covid free???

Anyway, Ann's 'Meet & Greet' was just up the road so she came home within about half an hour and I was in a deep, deep, sleep because walking 10 miles had made me tired, it had made Ann tired too! but she insisted on taking me round the block for toileting purposes.

Staying in for the night now. The evening stretches in front of us. I'm having another snooze. ….............And Ann's having a glass of wine. #whenwillthiseverend

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