
I popped to Homebase but was fearful of getting caught in traffic queuing for petrol. However they didn’t have any so there were no queues blocking the road. I was looking for a rubber plant but baulked at paying £15.00 and spotted this bargain at £6.00. I got to the till and was pleased to learn that houseplants had 30% off so it was even more of a bargain? Home to repot and give it some love!

OH cycled to his Mums while I was out and was delighted to hear that she has a date for surgery- less delighted when he heard it was the day we go on holiday! SIL will have to step up to the plate?! Fingers crossed she doesn’t fall at the last hurdle and blood and iron levels are all ok?

Home for easy dinner (cold pork, salad and jacket potato) and game of scrabble (I lost).

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