Soggy bottom...
Is what you would get if you sat on this bench...
MY GOODNESS it was cold out,very cheek tingly...eye watery at times.
Tit's McGee and I went out and walked from Milcote to Long Marston,almost a 4 mile round trip so thats good isn't it.
Just as well really as we ate fruit loaf back at hers and then we went to IKEA with the kids,let them have tea there and we had a cake and THEN we get back to Tit's house and devour a pack of hot cross buns.
We went in search of a cake tin by the name of BUNDT .. and no where had one,we trawled all over.... the last shop we go to in Stratford was the new TK Maxx and lo they had one left which Tit's found and has not stopped reminding me since.Mr W wants me to make a pineapple upside down cake in a circle... fair do's I shall indeed give it a whirl.
Tomorrow I am going to have a haircut.
BUNDT !!!!!!
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