Just a little more water if you please human ...
Princess Mitten kitten sits in the sink most mornings and waits patiently for the tap to be turned on .... If no one is about she will maybe go to one of the bathrooms and sit in a basin and await someone on their way to brush their teeth .. Then she won't move until she has had a drink and an extensive grooming session ... This in turn makes people late or go find another source of water whilst muttering and chuntering.
Our Spanish exchange girlie is here !! Her mother sent me some very beautiful 'trivets' to stand hot saucepans on !!! I think I better send her another tea towel ...... We asked my Eve and Amparo what they would like for their evening meal and they asked for KFC !!! So Mr W dutifully went to Leamington spa to get them one as we don't have a KFC here in S.O.A .... Which I don't care about as I cannot stand the stuff ....
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