Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Unhelpful wife ..

I went into the office and faffed about .. Jim enquirers as to what I’m doing … ‘I’m being helpful’ I say … his reply will shock you .. ‘you are not helpful, you are a pest ‘ .. rude … I sat in the big armchair and sang to him .. he told me to shut up .. I won’t offer my expert secretarial skills again .. then I demanded a coffee , he duly obliged and I left him in peace .
I’ve been very productive, I’ve organised the athletics group Christmas dinner out . I had to do it now to secure the right place that I wanted .. it is done !!!
Then I filled in a form for the London camera exchange to see how much money I could get for my Fuji camera and lenses . They are in a bag doing absolutely nothing at all . I won’t carry it all about anymore and I just use the phone for everything. The price isn’t bad they’ve offered me so I’ll get the boxes out of the loft and send it all off .
Countdown to road trip 4 sleeps !!!!

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