
I had an absolutely brutal day at work! 14 patients, back to back (I usually see about 8!) all scaled by hand.
My leg was fine but my back and hands were crying when I finished the session.
I’m going to have to say something as it’s not sustainable for me to carry on like that.

Once I got home, it was a quick change and pack up before we set off to Betws y Coed for brother A’s wedding tomorrow.
My blip was taken somewhere in Conwy.

Our family group are staying in a huge house which has been converted into apartments. I’d requested a ground floor one when we booked a few months back as I wasn’t sure what my mobility would be like.
When we arrived though, we were on the first floor, up a very narrow, steep flight of stairs. I thought maybe the rooms had just been allocated willy nilly, so rang the owner to ask about my request, explaining I was struggling with stairs.
She told me the apartment we thought we had booked was occupied by someone else but not to worry, ‘just have a couple of gin & tonics and you’ll be ok’.
I was appalled to say the least, so explained I’d had a nasty accident in November, involving a fall from a ladder, so would prefer not to mix alcohol and stairs!
She helpfully told me that if I was struggling, I could always shuffle up and down them on my bum.
I was absolutely livid!!!!!!!!

We did manage to resolve the issue between us. A 3 bedroom, ground floor apartment had been allocated to brother A, his daughter & her boyfriend. She was more than happy to swap rooms with us (more privacy I guess) and as Mark will be staying with his new wife after the wedding, we will have the place to ourselves after.

So alls well that ends well, but the customer service has left a lot to be desired :-/

DQ x

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