
By DramaQueen

Matchy, matchy

Today was Mark & Lyndsey’s wedding day and I finally got to wear a matching pair of shoes! Two pairs in fact as I took some flat sandals for the dance floor.

I had tried (in vain, but it was short notice) to get a hair appointment so had to style myself. Luckily, I found the style I wanted on Pinterest, which linked nicely to a step by step video of ‘how to’ on YouTube and it turned out really well.

The wedding itself was uncanny.
There has been zero communication regarding our respective weddings; so neither of us knew what the others had planned but so much was the same.
We clearly have the same (great) taste!

The room for the ceremony was stone walls and floor with bench seats (minus the old coach). Decor in the reception was virtually identical, with log slices, hessian runners and little decorated jars with candles and flowers. The flower choice was gypsophila, which was my emergency flower if I’d not been able to source enough from our garden.
Even their style of cake (a semi naked sponge) was the same as we chose, although theirs was vegan.

A few other little things had been added as an afterthought, following on from our wedding, but they do say ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’, so we took it as a compliment. Mr A had actually said at our wedding that we wouldn’t be offended if they did decide to ‘copy’ anything.

Photos of them as a couple were hanging from string with pegs and there was also a tribute to family members who had passed away. It was nice to see they’d repurposed the wooden place names we made for them at our wedding; they’d placed them by their cake.

Just as I’d thrown Mr A off the scent by telling him I’d got a purple dress for our wedding, Lyndsey told Mark she was wearing a suit! Again, the dress was a similar style to mine with a fitted bodice, coloured underskirt (hers was nude, mine was soft pink) and a fishtail skirt. Where mine had a beaded neckline, hers had beaded straps.

As I mentioned in a previous blip, they are into their climbing, so the tables were all named after knots, with a rope tied as that particular knot and a carabiner. This tied in so well with the card and gifts we got them. We couldn’t believe how well it all came together.

I didn’t take any photos during the wedding yesterday, plus they’re not big on social media so it wouldn’t feel right posting them on here , hence you’ve got a photo of me before the event rather than the happy couple ;-)

DQ x

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