
By DramaQueen

Sweet dreams are made of cheese

I had the worst nights sleep last night, so as a result have felt like a zombie all day.

Although it was a nice apartment, the sash windows rattled in the wind and the gutters overflowed (not helped by all the rain last night), so it was like sleeping under a waterfall. Mr A’s snoring added to the racket, but at least he got a good sleep ready for our drive home today.

We all called in to see the newlyweds this morning, they waited for us before they opened our gifts. It’s fair to say they were really pleased with ours and we commented on all the similarities there had been.

Our plan was to go for breakfast together somewhere but this didn’t happen so we all decided to go our separate ways home.

We stopped off at a local pub for lunch and I got the 7 (yes, SEVEN) cheese pie. It was awesome!!
I do like a good cheese pie and this was a good cheese pie.
I’m not entirely sure what the 7 were but there was definitely halloumi (squeaky cheese), goats cheese, soft cheese and possibly a cheddar in there.

Fortunately, traffic was kind to us so we were home for 3.30pm which allowed time for a much needed nap :-)

DQ x

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