Three Way Call

I've heard from her a bit this week - I have had texts on Monday, a call last night, but I didn't see her until tonight. Tonight was a good night. A cheery Katie, talking about lots of positives and lots of how they are dealing with less than positives. She found her way to jazz today! She absolutely loved it. It's her first saxophone ensemble ever and she smashed it. The other saxophones didn't turn up so Katie got to play, and be ace at, first saxophone. She's now playing clarinet in windband, bassoon in orchestra, bassoon group and dectet so everything is getting a shot at something but still lots of room for loads of bassooning. She'd been allowed her phone a bit early so she could call me early tonight because she wanted to get some imminent prep off her mind and have lots of practice. 

B came online while I was talking to Katie so we quickly dialled her in to the call, and her and Terry said hello and a quick chat. 

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