
This old home was on the market about 5 years ago, it was looking very nice but too expensive for a work colleague who had some interest in it. Unfortunately who ever purchased the property had a go at renovations but left it like this for the last few years….such a shame. Silly really. 

I watched an interesting TED talk by an academic who used to be a vet. It was called Do Cows think Grass Tastes Good (David Begg). It was about animal welfare and animal ethics. Then I went for a walk to buy the paper and listened to a podcast by Michelle Grattan (one of our best journalists and academic). It was called “The push to run independents on issues of climate and integrity” which are areas of interest to me. Very topical for Aussies at the moment with our state and federal politicians embroiled in debates on these issues.

Thanks Energia and Marlieske for hosting Silly Saturday and Derelict Sunday

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