Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Sore(ish) paw…

JR did not leap up early to go to the gym - she had a wee rest. Archie did leap up and run around, stealing socks from the still open suitcases on the floor, running and getting his toys to play vigorous tug-of-wars tugs of war. I took him out for his morning walk, and who should we bump into but Maggie and her dad - heading up Blackford Hill. Archie was so excited to see her. In fact, Maggie then decided she didn’t want to go a long walk, but would rather come home with Archie. So they came back for a coffee. We may have a taker for the old (but OK) sofas, which are due to go to the dump this week. Brian was quite keen to sell his old leather sofa and take them. Which would be much better than chucking them out.

But then, later in the morning, Archie started holding his paw up. I was in a panic in case it got worse tomorrow and we’d have to pay for the emergency vet again. (£180 to walk in the door). I got an appointment at 11.50 (emergency vet prices start at midday on Saturday). The vet looked at it, declared that schnauzers are prone to skin infection, and prescribed a spray. Only they had none, so he’s got more pills. In and out in five minutes. She handed me the bill - £180. "I’m not paying that," I heard myself saying. "I was here before midday, so it’s not an emergency." She revised it to £58.82. Phew!

Anyway, it seems all right again, though he didn’t go a big walk with Elizabeth, she had visitors for lunch and they wanted to meet Archie. Fingers crossed. He goes back next week anyway.

JR went to the supermarket to get stocked up on healthy goodies. I watched a Netflix programme about the ‘falling man’ the famous photograph taken of the Twin Towers on 9/11. 

Central heating is on full blast. Also, the underfloor heating in the bathroom, which is just such a treat. Definitely autumn, but we can’t complain - it’s been a great summer.

Sharp eyes might notice the door opening the other more sensible way.

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