The Drive Over Rose Hill Road

A first light venture
with some cloud and little sun -
A sunny day soon.

~ carliewired

The prospects for photos looked promising at 6 AM. There was a sliver of moon in the sky, some light on the horizon and a temperature outside of 11 C. 

I backed the car out at 6:45 with some hope to catch the first light on the drive over Rose Hill. I love this drive in all seasons. The light changes, the colour changes and I can often catch wildlife somewhere along the route. 

I started up the north side from the city. I couldn't see the sun yet but the light was playing in the clouds and giving the sky some colour. I get a good profile of Mt. Peter and Mt. Paul as I climb up the hill. 

Today, the road was very quiet. I met only one other vehicle. The birch trees are looking very beautiful in their fall colours. The leaves are coming off very fast. A big wind storm could clean them off entirely. 

As I came down the road on the south side I came upon a field full of sandhill cranes. It's the first siting I've had of them this year and I was so excited to see them. They stand 3 feet tall and taller. I stopped and watched them feed. They stretched their wings, some squabbled over territory, some kept a keen eye on me at the roadside. I left them in peace and headed home with my take-out breakfast. 

We might expect a sunny day with a high of 19 C. I'm hoping my daughter and I can get together for dinner this evening. 

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