
A n intrepid traveller from the compost heap, I suspect... this little sunflower, now poking its head up in the middle of a sage bush. A nice surprise to find, while doing some autumnal clearing up in the garden today.

However, today has also shunted our plans sideways. We were due to have dinner with a friend this evening. Richard has been having minor cold symptoms, so "to be on the safe side" we both did lateral flow tests this morning. Positive for him, negative for me. We both peered at the two lines that mean "positive" in initial disbelief.

We've done PCR tests too, now, at the local walk-in test centre. We are both hoping that these will come back negative. We should hear by Tuesday. Meanwhile we have cancelled all arrangements for the next couple of days. Ho hum. I feel a but numb about it really - these uncertainties have gone on for so long now.

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