
By Beewriter

Beware the Bags!!

There were dangerous bags and shoes in Selfridges, so dangerous they have to lock them in cages.

I love being on holiday, especially when I have a great day like today (sorry AngelaAngeli, don't read this bit) because I went with Sian to the Trafford Centre. Sian picked me up this morning as we had planned to go for tea and scones somewhere. I had walked to the Marriott for a swim this morning and so I didn't feel too bad about breaking my diet today. We like the cafe in John Lewis, especially when we get our usual window seat, so we headed there.

Tea and scones and a lot of chat, gossip and putting the world to rights later we had a wander round the shops then another drink before heading home. I did buy some Easter treats for family in Oxford and I've posted them off. I took a pic of them before I sent them in case they get squashed, but fingers crossed they get there in one piece.

What a lovely day :))

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