Some Days

By Euphemist

More to Come

I can't stand being told what I can and can't photograph.

This is an example of complete disobedience.

"Don't take a fence," they said, so I did!

(I think that's what they said, anyway)

Great a fence.

Snowy scenes above Nunraw, east Lothian. I had to come home from work for a bit of an emergency plumbing job, which turned out to be not such an emergency and not much of a job. I took the opportunity to go for a drive up into the Lammermuirs to take a few snow pictures. I drove a bit too carefully, however. By the time I realised that the road was actually impassable I had driven a couple of miles up a single track road with high walls of icy snow on either side. I had to reverse back the couple of miles down the hill, using second gear as a brake because the actual brakes didn't work.

Fun though. I can always buy a new clutch!

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