Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Neanderthal loo discovered.

He does go on about portaloos, loos and loos in general. Never mind, I'm wrecked again so this is simple.

The guy who is doing our garden walls is also laying an area of paving from rough pieces of Delabole slate; we asked him to create a space around a small beech sapling which has been growing for ten years and is kept almost as a Bonsai, it's cut short, the branches trimmed but of course the trunk thickens. Clever lad took some stone away and cut four arcs, using a nail as the cutting tool. This is so fragile or so strong, depending on how and where you cut it, that it can burn out power tools or shatter.

In a couple of weeks these should be in place around the tree, a small degree of man made symmetry in a completely natural stone environment. To give you an idea of scale, they are placed on a sheet of 8 x 4 plywood, the hole is 600mm diameter.

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