It's Here!

3years 156 days

Mummy has been very much looking forward to this fire engine arriving. It is for the studio, and a fabulous addition to our stock prop collection. However I felt Katie must be the first one to test it. So when she came home from nursery, she was very keen to oblige. She put Monkey and Ellie in and told me proudly that she was taking them for a ride.

She's done well at nursery today. Clearly recovering well. Lesley said she was lovely and cuddly today, that she'd missed the Katie cuddles while she was off. She said she would just feel a little hand slip into hers and know it was Katie or be sat on the floor and feel her flop around her neck. Very very Katie for sure. Apparently at snack time they had a bun today. It's normally fruit for snack and Katie declared it "the best bun I have ever seen". I'm not sure where she's heard this, maybe Peppa Pig or something equally daft, but she's said it about her pizza tea too!

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