Banana phone

3years 157days

When Katie wakes up, it tends to be that she is starving and wants food Immediately. She likes to be quite independent about this particular food session and goes by herself to get a starter breakfast. Since she started weaning I have had a cupboard where she knows she can get healthy snacks at any point. She usually starts with a banana and a cereal bar. Today she went to the cupboard and as she returned I could hear her chattering like on a phone. When she came back to the room, this is what I saw. She does make me chuckle.

At the moment she likes to have me in her bed with her (fine by me, her mattress is amazing). When I got in last night she stirred and said "ohhhhh you're here! Hello mrs Mummy, I'm naked girl" (she had pants). With that she gave me a kiss and went back to sleep.

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