A room with a view

Being on the 6th floor we have wonderful views of the Minster, Lendal bridge, the river and parts of the ramparts.  This is all great until the lift stops working ~ going down is fine but the coming up is not so great for us unfit, oldies. 

We woke to blue skies and started our day by going back to the Shambles and it certainly wasn’t as many people as yesterday. We bought a rabbit picture from the market for Lucy (maybe or maybe not a C********** pressie).  The York ghost merchants shop has a long queue outside as it did yesterday too (in extras).

Next stop was a boat ride up the river with a bit more cloud cover and sitting on the top deck it was feeling pretty fresh. Once we alighted it was time for a hot drink to warm up, hot chocolate for me and a good one too!. I had booked a tour to view a National trust house, the Treasurers House, next to the minster. It was ok. Next stop was the Minster but due to a 4pm service we didn’t have as long as we would have liked in there. Actually, it was fine for me but Mr C does love a church and can spend quite a while in there. Back to the hotel for a rest and freshen up before dinner.

Tonight I had booked for the restaurant on the roof terrace of the hotel (7th floor so not too far to go).  An Asian style tapas bar. Very nice too.

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