
By Beinghere

West Shore, Pittenweem

What a beautiful day it’s been. This being Monday it’s a Maggie Day. On the way to pick her up from nursery Geordie and I walked down to West Shore, then round to the harbour, then up Cove Wynd to return Hecta’s ball that Geordie stole yesterday. Then along to The Hub to get bananas to add to our smoothies. Then slowly around to the school. Geordie knew exactly where he was going.
When we got to the gate at the nursery I heard Maggie shout, there’s Nana and Geordie. I think she’s just as excited to see us as we are to see her.
She chatted all the way home which takes us ages because there are always things to see. There were snails on a garden wall, the big sticker of a fish in the fish shop window. Cooper, one of Geordie’s best friends, was lying on the window sill inside his house, soaking up the sun. Caroline’s garden is always a big hit. We’ve always got to stop there. She has gnomes, and figures of hedgehogs and cows and bears and lots more besides. All sitting around plants in her garden. Bill was washing his car and hosing it down so we had to jump over the streams of water running down the street, wishing we had wellies on to splash in the water.

Once home we were straight into smoothie making. Then we took our smoothies outside with biscuits and sat on a bench in the sun. Our wee picnic.
The rest of the afternoon was good fun as it always is with Maggie. She chatters the whole time. The house is very quiet when she and Geordie go to bed.

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