Changing weather at the coast

Chris drove us to the hospital 30 miles away as Mr C advised not to drive and DVLA has had my licence for 6 months so I’m not legal till I get it back.

After dropping him off we went to Newbiggin by the sea to a cafe by the beach. It was spacious and airy so we felt ok as we sat well away from others. Chris had a fried breakfast but I had only coffee - felt too nervous to eat. The rain was lashing down so we had a look in the museum which told a bit about the history of the town. It had been third only to London and Hull for grain shipping.

Suddenly the sun came out so we had a stroll on the prom and then Mr C phoned to say he was out of theatre so we picked him up. They seem to have found out a lot but the results of the biopsies on stomach and bowel won’t come for 2 weeks.

We might get a few days away in the van next week.

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