
First thing this morning I went out for almost an hour. I trekked around the town and then went for a play on the beach. Ann said, 'Trixie you can have snooze time this morning because I'm going to sort out my tax return. I'll take you for another play on the beach this afternoon.'

Soooooo......................... we had breakfast and Ann caught up on Coronation Street then she said, 'Trixie, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. It's a pity to waste such a lovely day. Let's go to Gwithian and walk all the way along the beach.'

The beach at Gwithian is HUGE. It's at least 3 miles long. We parked at Hayle and walked all the way to the end and all the way back which according to our 'Strava app' was 7.44 miles. Ann was wearing her wellies because she thought we'd have to walk through lots of water. Wearing wellies to walk such a long distance is not a very good idea. Yes, they kept her feet dry but after 2 hours of walking she really wished we could just hop on a bus and come home. That's what we would have done if we'd been in Edinburgh! I didn't care. I was zooming around all over the place. I didn't do any of my silly 'puppy jumping up' and everyone I met commented on what a happy, friendly little collie pup I was.

Oh and I found a manky old ball which I carried for about half an hour, but then we found the biggest, fattest, dead seal (we'll put a picture of him in extras) so I dropped it while I had a good old sniff around him and then I forgot to pick it up again. Boohooo. Not sure if one is supposed to report dead seals to 'someone'??? If he'd been a live seal in distress she would have phoned the seal sanctuary, but big fat seal was most definitely dead!!!

Our walk took us almost 3 hours today so once we got home we both had to have a snooze, then I went for a short play in the field and Ann went to a 'Boogie Bounce' class. She jumped around on a mini trampoline for an hour and when she got home I was still snoozing. She wishes she was still snoozing!!!

Mini RANT coming up.......................... Since we came back to St Ives just over a month ago; I have been doing dog agility classes and Ann has been doing a Smartphone photography course, Kangoo Jump classes and this evening a Boogie Bounce class. Non of which are available in Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland but since lock-down it's like everything that anyone wants to do can only be done online???? (Including going out to a pub/restaurant and having to order on an app. Grrrrrr.............) We'll be back in Edinburgh in a couple of weeks and it will be very interesting to see if anything has changed since we left, but we very much doubt it??!!

Anyway my human is exhausted and so am I so we're going to have an early night.

Toodles. xxx

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