
By Serap

The best things in life are tea

After 3 weeks with no tea, and then a day of bad tea (I'm talking to you, Premier Inn and Cafe Rouge Gatwick), we finally got home and were able to enjoy a proper cup of tea, and in our own mugs (it matters!). It was amazing!

There was no Titchy on our return home. We had asked a friend to come and feed her everyday, but Titchy is not a fan of strangers (although she's seen this person plenty of times), so hadn't been seen in over 2 weeks. We went out calling her when we got home at 3pm-ish, but got no response. We tried again after dinner with the in-laws and there she was! She came trotting over the golf academy meowing loudly, followed us home and is currently on my lap, purring and kneading me! She looks a little thin and dirty, but hopefully will be back on form after a few day's tlc.

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