Contrée Mansell again…

It’s the only photograph I took today. I did go into town and through the market hoping to take the photograph that I wanted yesterday but once again there were people sitting at the table right at the top of the steps with the fancy bannister! Creative talent halted again!
I went to order some more polo shirts with the tour guide badge. We are encouraged to wear pale lemon or white polo shirts but never one to toe the party line I have added purple, lime green and orange to my collection of turquoise and shocking pink. Oh and I do have one in pale lemon but haven’t yet worn it. But it’s there in case I want to impress…While in the shop a lady I worked with over 30 years ago came in. I don’t think we’ve met since she left the Income Tax Office. As all ex Tax Office staff seem to do these days we had a good moan about the current tax office. 
I’m particularly stiff and achy today. I don’t have a headache probably explains how I feel. Every other bit has ache or pain plus stiffness. About 2 hours after taking Ibuprofen and Co-codamol  I can pick up my iPad with one hand rather than needing both! Yesterday my GP’s surgery phoned to say they have my ultrasound report and it is a ruptured bakers cyst. If it’s ruptured that explains why my ankle and foot is so swollen. I did actually feel the liquid running down my leg, I think the day after my scan so it all makes sense. No sympathy please! I’m merely recording this so that when I see the rheumatologist I remember how things were…

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