Autistic meltdown

When you look at yesterday's journal entry photograph of Xander and this one. It's heartbreaking. This was Xander this morning. He was in a autistic meltdown for over a hour and a half. He had a nightmare throughout the night and had been awake for quite a while after. I had to lie on his floor until he had settled. 
This morning was really difficult to watch, as there is no way to calm him down and he needs to come out of it himself. Mr R had to leave the house for school drop off at a specific time and even 15 minutes later than normal Xander still wasn't in his school clothes so I sent Lincoln and Mr R out the door and kept Xander at home. That started the meltdown again. 

This is the side of Xander people don't see. His nana and grandad have never seen him like this . They've seen a small portion but nothing like this. So today I got him to do reading, spelling, writing and some sumdog. We also went a walk around the block and picked my neighbours apple tree and made a crumble for Lincoln. Lincoln had a great day at school and harp and the Jedi got on so well together at home . Xander is really good with them both. 

I'm a little tired after last night and my shoulder hurts but the energy that Xander goes through when he's like that makes him exhausted. 
I'm putting this photo on blip because it raises awareness about autism and what everyday families can go through on a daily basis. I've heard comments from people like " he doesn't look like he has autism". " I thought autistic children can't speak properly" . And that's so not the case . That's why I speak about it and show people what it's like. 

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