Tooth fairy

This wildling lost one of his baby teeth during the night. I'm surprised he managed to find it in the morning as he sleeps like a octopus. So the tooth fairy will be paying a visit tonight. 

Harp woke everyone up at 5am this morning. So the Wildlings were fed, dressed and teeth brushed before 7. I had Mr R's soup cooking away then too. Myself and the Wildlings did a couple of inktober drawings too. And I got some ironing done. Busy morning but myself and the Jedi were going with my friend to Dino park. It's another soft play area and he had a absolute blast. He has no fear and went down a massive slide . While we were there my doctor called and said she would put a referral into the surgeon I suggested for my shoulder. He's based in Glasgow. But she told me I might as well go private because when our local hospital start seeing patients again there will be a backlog of people needing seen. And I could be waiting another year. Our covid numbers need to drop drastically for the hospital to start seeing patients. 

I cycled this afternoon to pick Harp up. Gutted though as my Fitbit didn't record it properly. I cycled in the wind and rain. It does say I've burned over 2000 calories today so that's a bonus. 

The Wildlings are having dinner and then I need to do homework with Xander and sumdog with Lincoln. Mr R is probably working super late tonight again so I'll have my dinner before he comes home, and eat when the Wildlings are in bed. 

You wouldn't think with this photo of X that he eats all day and consumes thousands of calories. He's a skinny wee wildling. 

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