A good day

She sent me a really happy voice message today. She told me how much she enjoyed her bassoon lesson and bassoon group. She really enjoyed her games lesson - most of her year were at the previously mentioned hockey match, but she didn't go, so she joined the y8 and 9 girls. She was very pleased to score a goal in their fun match. After school, she had a great time at Athletics Club. They were doing running drills and something involving big, strong therabands that I didn't really get full information on!

She told me happily that her lego time is now properly established in the house routine. She gets 15-30 mins every day, on her own to destress, chill, play in her little world.

She's currently working on a report for her head of year about some of the specialist musicians, she's doing research, compiling it... She's taking it quite seriously! She's also very pleased as today she found out that she's doing her first solo public performance in a months time, playing in the Woodwind Department showcase concert. So she was chatting on in her messages about how they're going to carry on with the same pieces so they can see how far they can go with those for the performance. 

School told us at 6pm that Friday is yellow day for world mental health day... So, yet again Amazon to the rescue...! I shipped a 25m reel of ribbon to the boarding house so that they can all muck in at least.

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